Mental Wellbeing

It can be easy to rush through each day, forgetting to live in the present moment. It is crucial for our mental health that we take a step back from our hectic lives and be mindful of the present moment. Here are some tips to live in the present moment.

Fully appreciate the moments of today

Find a relaxing activity that you enjoy and soak in as much of the things that happened today - the sights, the sounds, the emotions. These are the moments in our daily lives that we often forget to truly appreciate.

Stop worrying about tomorrow

You can’t fully appreciate today if you are worried about tomorrow. Redirect your mental energy to how you can fully enjoy today - tomorrow is going to happen whether you worry about it or not.

Take a mindful walk in nature
Taking a mindful walk is where you engage all your senses and stay aware of what is happening around you and within you. This exercise can help you connect with your environment and put your worries to rest.

Accept things as they are (not how you want them to be)
Sometimes life is going to turn out differently than how you want it to be. Practising acceptance will help you let go of the things that are beyond control and redivert your energy to what you can control.

Spend time with people who make you feel happy
Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people will increase your own positivity and happiness levels. This will allow you to focus on the positive things that are happening now instead of dwelling on past or future events.